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We're a results-driven team

We provide you with a user-friendly platform with high and quick rewards, handy statistics, and a tracking system that enables you to not only engage with offers but also to truly enjoy your job and its outcomes.

About Us

“We understand the challenges both Web3 and emerging tech companies face when searching for relevant audiences. Add too the hostility of traditional platforms like Google and Facebook Ads, and suddenly growth seems like an uphill struggle.

DOT has been operating out of the UK since 2018, and our goal is simple; to give back power to the founders, marketeers, and growth hackers seeking relevant audiences, and cost effective conversions. We look forward to working with you. From all of us at Team DOT”

Products launched

Satisfaction Rate

Our Vision and Mission

Sed ut perspiciatis unde omnis iste natus error sit voluptatem accusantium doloremque laudantium, totam rem aperiam

Our Vision

Our Vision

It's about managing expectations bleeding edge, so quick win design thinking. Highlights race without a finish line, we need evergreen content nor form without content style without meaning. Good optics your work on this project has been really impactful on your plate. Lose client to 10:00 meeting helicopter view where do we stand on the latest client ask. Copy and paste from stack overflow

Our Mision

Our Mision

It's about managing expectations bleeding edge, so quick win design thinking. Highlights race without a finish line, we need evergreen content nor form without content style without meaning. Good optics your work on this project has been really impactful on your plate. Lose client to 10:00 meeting helicopter view where do we stand on the latest client ask. Copy and paste from stack overflow

Established since

Registered country

Number of employees

Worldwide clients

Trained users

Worldwide users

Your business growth is what we are interested in.

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We help your business needs

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Manage your business account

Sed ut perspiciatis unde omnis iste natus error sit voluptatem accusantium doloremque laudantium, totam rem aperiam

Smart features for business growth

Sed ut perspiciatis unde omnis iste natus error sit voluptatem accusantium doloremque laudantium, totam rem aperiam

We are spread all over the world and growing


Worldwide clients


Yearly Revenue

Meet our amazing team

John Alexander

Chief of Technology Officer

Alex Grey

CEO & Co-Founder

Luka Bedil

Chief of Development Officer

Ingrid Romanoff

Chief Creative officer

John Alexander
John Alexander Chief of Technology Officer
Alex grey
Alex grey CEO & Co-Founder
Luka Bedil
Luka Bedil Chief of Development Officer
Ingrid Romanoff
Ingrid Romanoff Chief Creative officer
Steve Romansky
Steve Romansky Chief Experience Officer

170+ Million Crypto Regards Monthly

Bypass all Google Ad Restication

Key Features

High Performing Ads + Sponsored Content

Analytics Dashboard Track Conversation 

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Time to grow with Adstrerra